Tag: themdrnsamurai
VLOG 15: Late night at the hockey rink…
Night vlogging is always a challenge, fortunately I pass a hockey rink in my town that stays lit all night…
VLOG 11: Assasins Creed and live stream reminder! (12/24/16 8:30PM)
Just got done with the movie, here are my quick thoughts.
VLOG 10: Ordered a machine, and some Trump talk…
Talking about my trip to Maingear, the specs on the new workstation as well as some discussion of Trump cabinet choices.
Vlog 09: Gear, Electoral college and more…
Casual update. Talking about computer gear ( MAINGEAR ) , the electoral college and other stuff. Sorry the resolution is low, this was a Facebook Live stream.
VLOG 08 : Tech upgrades and picking a PC vendor…
Answering a few questions about my gear, a little history and some talk about the guys at maingear.com . http://www.maingear.com
VLOG 07 : An Unexpected Arrival…
Picked up a new camera, playing with the iPhone and talking about why I do these…
VLOG-03: Post Election Thoughts (MAGA!)
I promised my election thoughts, and her they are. My congratulations to all the #deplorables, and my understanding to those who lost. It was a hard fought campaign.